Quick response to your inquiries

We will be happy to answer any printing questions you may have, including pricing,

Customer accounts with regular commercial

terms may be established after the first order.

Please ask for an Application for Account.

Overnight and Ground Shipping by

Additional shipping options are UPS Ground and USPS Priority Mail.

Colorama also has a regular retail location in Hill, NH by appointment.

Quick response to your printing questions

Request Information



You may...                                         

1) Send small files under 10 MB as e-mail attachments to:



2) Larger files can be sent via FTP. You will need a password. Please call 603-934-0079 to set up a free FTP account.

Click here to send your files via FTP

When sending files, please include your contact information, including name and telephone number. If you would rather send us hard copy or computer disks via the mail or a delivery service, our mailing address is:

Colorama Color Copies

138 Dearborn Road

Hill, NH 03243 USA
